With a wide selection of fat-reduction treatments available, it can be difficult to determine what to look for and which one is best for you. There are many different techniques, both surgical and non-surgical, and each type offers pros and cons. You might have heard of CoolSculpting (and there can be a lot of hype about it!), and you should know what makes it one of the best options available for fat-reduction.
Quick and easy treatments
Although some surgical options like liposuction can be effective and give long-term results, some patients avoid it because it can require some downtime and recovery over the course of a few days. CoolSculpting, on the other hand, can be a great option if you’re looking to be on your way and back to your schedule right after treatment. CoolSculpting comes with very few side effects and doesn’t prevent you from doing regular tasks or even working out directly after your treatment session (which can only take around one hour).
Comfortable, relaxing weight-reduction
CoolSculpting doesn’t require any discomfort or anesthetic during treatment. In fact, most patients report that the treatment area becomes numb on its own, due to the cooling nature of the handpiece that’s used. This treatment can feel like a cooling massage, and many patients catch up on their book, their show, or their sleep schedule.
Virtually unlimited treatment areas
Because CoolSculpting is not invasive, it’s easy to treat those small, sensitive areas that carry stubborn fat. Although this treatment can be used on large areas that commonly carry fat like the back, lower body, or abdomen, it’s also approved to be used on areas like the chin, arms, or ankles. For some patients, it can seem like more hassle than it’s worth to pursue invasive surgery for these areas, but CoolSculpting has been shown to produce great results without the incisions.
Natural results over time
CoolSculpting works by freezing fat cells so that they are non-functional and are absorbed by the body over time. For patients who prefer to let their body naturally expel the fat or are working towards a weight loss goal and want a little boost, CoolSculpting can be a great solution. Some patients are unable or unwilling to undergo surgery, and this procedure offers subtle, effective results, minimal risk, and no recovery.
If you’re interested in discussing your options with CoolSculpting, contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Diggs to begin creating your fat-reduction treatment plan.